The power of outbound links in SEO

It’s no secret that Google uses the number and quality of inbound links to help rank web pages in its search algorithm. In fact, this is a significant factor in Goggles’ strangely accurate search results and something that other search engines are enthusiastically developing. However, what is less well known is that Google also uses the quality and quantity of outbound links to learn even more about each website you visit. What does your website say about itself with each outbound link?

You can do a little experiment to demonstrate the power of this Google feature. Set up a page on a new, little-known domain, but don’t advertise it. Instead, put a single HTML file with a simple list of links to a group of similar sites. The first thing to consider is how quickly bots notice your website, and then how surprisingly high your Google page rank will be for a website with no inbound links or SEO content.

So how can you take advantage of this new SEO gadget? Get creative with it! No one is really sure what works and what does not work yet, even more amazing results may be possible than have been discovered so far. However, a good place to start is to consider how you want your website to rank and link to similarly classified websites. This will help reinforce the purpose of your website, increasing the glasses’ confidence in your content.

Then there is the regional trick. If you have a local bookstore, make sure Google knows what a physical store is and its location. Now use lots of outbound links to websites like Amazon and even national book retail franchises. When someone searches for a bookstore in their local area, Google will return theirs with much more confidence in the quality and size of the store, due to its inferred association with large retailers.

It is a fun and simple SEO method, which can result in significant earnings for particular websites. Let us know if you discover anything amazing!

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