Sexual Abuse: Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge the Real Animal House

Frat boy mentality!

You can do whatever you want and it won’t hurt your career as long as you don’t care about the women you abused. It all comes back to haunt you eventually.

When you look back over the centuries, men have abused women. It wasn’t until the 20th century that laws were passed to protect women. But even so, the expression children will be children it was used to condone bad behavior. In the 1990s, Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexually harassing her and was still confirmed as a Supreme Court justice.

Here we are in 2018, the 21st century, where a Supreme Court justice nominee has been accused by three different women of sexual assault, and Republican men still want to say kids will be kids and putting a sexual predator on the Supreme Court where he will decide what women can do with their bodies.

More often than not, all you’ve ever heard is about Mark Kavanaugh’s career, and why these women should show up, 30 years later with no agenda or being believed. As someone who has been sexually abused, I can tell you that this is not something you want to talk about or relive at any point in your life. But why shouldn’t a man be responsible for his actions when he was young; And what kind of message is that that two youngsters send about his behavior.

As a man, how would you feel if you found out that someone has sexually abused your daughter and you have not been held accountable for their actions?

At least now, due to the #Me too movement, things are slowly starting to turn where men are being held accountable for sexually abusing women. We just watched Bill Cosby, who sexually assaulted and raped over 60 women finally get his comeuppance, and will spend 3 to 10 years in jail. His publicist is trying to compare him to Brett Kavanaugh and says they took him to jail.

Though there is corroboration from multiple women, the people they told, the roommates Kavanaugh bragged to about the women he abused, and even a book written by his best friend, Mark Judge, detailing the exploits; Brett Kavanaugh is trying to paint himself as a Catholic virgin who did nothing wrong with his life. He even wants to paint himself as a mentor to women who want to work for him as law students, but when they go for an interview, they are advised to dress provocatively if they want the position.

How can you decide someone else’s status without a full investigation and hearings to determine the truth? A hasty trial is only to meet an agenda and not to get to the truth.

We are in the fog of the midterm elections, and these men must be held accountable for putting a rapist in office. No matter how many years have passed, men must always be held accountable for abusing women or remembering that they have daughters who can easily be sexually abused by other predators.

Men are held accountable to the point where, when convicted or have multiple accusers, they are castrated and imprisoned for the rest of their lives, while at the same time having to join a violent offender registry.

Supreme Court judges must be above suspicion, especially since they are the ones who take precedence over the behavior of another person. If they are allowed to get away with committing crimes, how can they be expected to make decisions about how others should act, or what anyone can do with their body?

Brett Kavanaugh is lying about the things he did in high school and college and his family will pay the price when it all comes out. His daughters will be harassed and deservedly so.

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