your wheel of fortune

The power of the subconscious mind is an amazing thing. Using imagery to create what some call the wheel of fortune or the wheel of dreams can be a very powerful tool for manifesting desires in your life if you choose to use it.

Clever? All right, let’s manifest. On a large piece of cardboard or poster board, draw a circle in the middle, about 1/4 the size of the board. In this circle place an image of your higher power, whatever it is for you, ie God, Allah, the universe, your creator. This must be the center of your board, your divine intelligence, your provider, so to speak.

Then divide your wheel into 4 equal parts. Then label each section for an area of ​​your life that you would like to manifest in. Examples are, financial or business, spiritual, family, social or recreational. You can use your own. In each section place images of the things you want to manifest. You can get these images from magazines, the Internet, etc. For example, if you want a new house for your family, find an image of the house you would like to manifest and place it in the family section. Feel free to write affirmations or time frames near each image. You could write something like “My provider, creator, etc. will manifest this home to us on the date you choose. Or whatever words feel right and strong to you. Do this for each section of your dream board.

Take your time on this project and make sure the images represent your true desires as closely as possible. This is a very fun and powerful exercise.

Finally, place your Ferris wheel where you can see it as often as possible to allow the power of the subconscious mind to work and let the images sink in. Perhaps by placing it near a desk or a place where you spend a lot of time. Be sure to look at it every morning when you wake up and every night before bed for best results. Believe and watch as dreams begin to come true. It may not happen overnight, but if you stick with this powerful exercise, you will eventually manifest what you want in your life. It has worked for many others, and it has worked for me personally. I’ve been through a few boards already and it’s always fun to create new ones.

Here are a couple of good book recommendations that will enhance this experience for you. “The Power of the Subconscious Mind” by Joseph P. Murphy, PHD (Unleash the Power of the Subconscious) and “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” by Catherine Ponder. (includes a section on how to build your Ferris wheel).

I’d love to hear your feedback and success stories.

for your success,

Terry Poster

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