Tips for keeping the massage table heating pad clean

Electric massage table heating pads are used by thousands of massage therapists and have some distinct advantages over other types of heating pads. However, keeping an electronic massage table heating pad clean can be a bit tricky as most of the time they are not washable.

If the massage table pad you want to use is not washable, there are ways to keep it clean and hygienic without having to constantly wash it, although you will need to check the heating pad every day to make sure it is not stained or stained. . Here are some tips from masseurs who love using electric heating pads to keep the pads clean and soft for a long time:

Spot cleaning

Keep some baby wipes in a drawer or in your purse and whenever a small stain appears on the warming pad, rub it in with a baby wipe. If you can clean the stain before it sets, the fabric should dry as if there was never a stain there. If the stain is from lipstick, face powder, or other cosmetic stains as a result of contact with a makeup client, use makeup removal pads designed to clean makeup to avoid permanent staining.

Dry cleaning

You can dry clean the massage table heating pad at home with a home dry cleaning kit. Using a dryer-based dry cleaning kit will also refresh the heating pad when it starts to look and smell musty. A good home dry cleaning kit will last for several cleanings and is well worth the cost, so be sure to buy one when shopping. Make sure the dryer is not too high to make sure there is no damage to the fabric.

Steam cleaning

You can remove stubborn stains by holding a steam iron close to the fabric with the steam on. The steam will loosen dirt and stains and bring them to the surface so you can clean them with a baby wipe, makeup remover, or washcloth. Make sure the fabric doesn’t get too wet from the steam and be sure to let the pad dry for at least a few hours before using it for a client.

Upholstery cleaner

Aerosol upholstery cleaners, the kind used for cars, can also be used on massage pads to fight really bad stains. Follow the directions on the bottle for the deepest cleaning possible.

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