Story of street cops, gang guns and snipers Cabrini Green Housing

Story of Street Cops, Gang Guns, and Snipers Cabrini Green Housing, by Greg Zito

Greg Zito, the author of this informative book, was an actual cop primarily in various areas of the city of Chicago. Greg tells it like it is in such a busy and dangerous profession as the police have to roam various areas of the city wherever they are called upon. They never know what is really going on in the place called or what they will encounter on the way to that destination. They usually have regular partners, but not always, so now they have to learn to depend on the partner next to them. These law enforcement men and women are to be commended for the work they do for all of us, sometimes against all odds for survival. A certain bond forms between law enforcement, a bond that only tightens when times get tougher. They may have their differences but not when their partner or friend is in danger.

Greg Zito is not a consummate author, as you will find out by reading this story, but he does a fantastic job of telling the reader what is going on in his own words and in his own way, sometimes with duplication, but the facts are stated very well. good. Greg has been a part of law enforcement while in the US Army (where he was a Military Police Officer), followed by a stint as an officer with the Chicago Transit Police Authority, then the Force of Chicago Police. He has certainly had a lot of experience that led to his official retirement while he was disabled in 2002. He had been injured on the job and was no longer able to perform active work. Greg’s heart is still in law enforcement, as I could easily sense from reading his story.

Greg Zito has been shot at, beaten up, wounded, chased, tackled, argued over, lost and won mental battles, some culprits shot when necessary and just about anything you can think of that a police officer could do. The housing projects in Chicago presented a major hurdle for the police force. The snipers would hide on the various floors of the projects and shoot, not only at the police, but also at civilians and other gang members, without caring who or what they hit. You have to read this book for much more interesting information that Greg has written for the world to read and absorb. Yes, he is now retired, but he has been writing this book for many years and has not lost his interest in informing the public of the interesting story of himself and many other law enforcement officers that they can relate to.

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