Is Jaw Slimming Botox Painless?

Jaw Slimming Botox Painless

While Botox is best known for erasing fine lines and wrinkles around the forehead, neck, crow’s feet, and lips, it can also reduce the masseter muscle and help slim down your jawline. This less-known benefit of the injection is called masseter reduction and is popular among patients who suffer from bruxism or simply want to look more svelte in photographs or in person.

The Jaw slimming botox is largely defined by your masseter muscles, which are sometimes overly large as a result of chronic clenching and grinding. This is what can cause a square, masculine face shape in women and can lead to chronic headaches. If you suffer from bruxism, you will find that jaw slimming Botox can not only alleviate your pain but can actually reduce the size of your jaw muscles, creating a more feminine, svelte face shape.

According to dual board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dara Liotta, if you grind and clench your teeth regularly, your masseter muscles become “permanently worked out” and can grow to be too bulky. Injections of about 25 units of Botox on each side can reduce the size of these muscles and create a more slimming effect for your jawline.

Is Jaw Slimming Botox Painless?

During the procedure, the doctor will first visually assess your jaw and the location of your masseter muscles. They will then use their hands — or palpate — to manually isolate the muscles and determine where the injections should go. Once the injections are placed, you can expect a short and relatively painless session. You will experience functional relief within a week but it can take up to six weeks for you to see the aesthetic results as the masseter muscle decreases in size.

The numbing cream that is applied to the skin before treatment should ensure minimal discomfort. In rare cases, you may feel a little pinch or soreness at the injection site but this should quickly pass. Once your injections are complete, you can return to your normal routine immediately.

As with any cosmetic procedure, there is a risk of bruising, redness, or asymmetry in the area around your jaw. However, if you are careful not to overdo it with your injections, this should be minimal. The procedure itself is relatively straightforward and minimally invasive, typically performed in a cosmetic clinic or medical spa setting. Prior to administration, the practitioner assesses the patient’s facial anatomy and muscle structure to determine the optimal injection sites and dosage. Using a fine needle, small amounts of Botox are precisely injected into multiple points along the masseter muscle. The entire process usually takes around 15 to 30 minutes to complete, and patients can resume their normal activities immediately afterward.

While jaw slimming Botox is relatively safe, you should always consult with a licensed medical practitioner to make sure this nonsurgical procedure is right for you. Dr. Michele Green is a highly-trained Allergan Platinum injector who can provide you with the jawline-slimming benefits of Botox while ensuring that your natural beauty is not compromised. You can book a consultation at her NYC dermatology office to learn more about the jaw slimming benefits of this amazing injectable.

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