How do I TOTALLY commit to my goals?

Commitment is one of the scariest words in any language. It has so much meaning, possibility, opportunity and responsibility wrapped up in those three little syllables. When we commit to something, we make a promise at least to ourselves and often to others. These promises show that we are serious, motivated and with everything. We are giving 100% and withholding nothing. Too often, we act like it’s a donation. We treat what should be a serious and all-consuming wish like dropping a few coins into the Salvation Army bucket at Christmas.

Don’t you understand why I am making this point and distinction? Think of the old story of the chicken and the pig.

Hen and Pig were talking about the farmer. They really loved the farmer because he took such good care of them. So Hen suggested they do something nice for the farmer. “How about we make him a breakfast with ham and eggs, pig?” Pig pauses and looks at Hen. “Well I don’t know Hen. For you that’s a donation. For me it’s a lifetime commitment!”

This is how we should treat our Goals. They should be lifetime commitments, not donations. Lifetime commitments drive us. They shape our thoughts. They focus our efforts and attention like nothing else. In many ways, though not all, the Goals are like marriage. Both require a total commitment that permeates our entire being. Both require us to reform our thoughts and actions, so serve them.

Although keep in mind. While your marriage should be more important than your Goals, your Goals should support your marriage. There should be no competition.

In marriage we are fully committed to each other. We must not withhold anything. We give of ourselves without selfishness or resentment. We do whatever it takes to love our spouse every day.

In Goals we bet totally on the result. We do not retain anything in our search for that result. We give of our time, talent and treasure without selfishness or resentment. We do whatever it takes to achieve those Goals.

Before I ask, of course, I mean that our Goals must be ordered to support and reinforce our Values. So “whatever it takes” in marriage and Goals does it DO NOT it means something that violates our values.

Our commitment to our Goals requires a relationship similar to that of marriage. We have to be faithful to the Goal. We have to support the Goal. We have to put the Goal first because of our selfish desires. In other words, we have to pursue one Objective, or a set of related Objectives, only. We have to learn the skills and do the work necessary to get closer to our Goals. Finally we have to be willing to sacrifice ourselves to achieve our Goals.

Commitment means giving our Goals the same kind of attention and focus that we give our spouses. This is why committing to our Goals is so difficult for some people. Either they don’t realize the level of seriousness the Goals require, or they do and just can’t make those kinds of promises.

Make the promises. Commit. Be the pig.

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