Brothers of man

Somewhere in the annals of history the whereabouts of other brothers of man are hidden. Survivors of an advanced past civilization that managed to escape one of the most destructive periods in the history of our planet. Could the Voynich Manuscript, Stonehenge, or the Lost Continent of Atlantis contain the clues as to where our ancestors would really be? No one knows for sure, especially when we talk about the history of Atlantis. But, there have been too many archaeological surprises that always seem to occur to substantiate many theories in our history not to consider the impossible as possible.

To this day, many believe that man is not alone in the Universe. Scientific evidence supports the existence of planets that are more than capable of nurturing and sustaining life as we know it. Planets in uninhabitable areas orbiting suns very similar to our Earth. Our planet could be the cradle of life. What makes the Voynich Manuscript or the story of Atlantis so fascinating is the fact that there has only been a certain amount of speculation about the existence of an advanced pre-ancient civilization. But again, like the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, or other known lost artifacts, perhaps man is not ready yet or is not able to truly understand the reason or purpose for their existence.

With the current realm of reality, it’s quite understandable that if we had discovered, say, the Ark of the Covenant, man’s greed and selfishness would only hasten our own demise. It is a very sad reality of our time in which a lot can be said about the priorities of society. Wrong, out of place and outrageously shallow when we have here in the United States where we can raise billions of dollars for lotteries, billionaires mock the public with their supposed benevolence and charitable donations and a government still very inept in helping in cases of disaster, while right here in America they languish in silent despair, starving, homeless and sick.

What man continues to do in the name of social progress, much of which contributes to the increasing confusion our planet is experiencing, is a testament to our inhumanity toward the sanctity of life. And yet, through all of this, somewhere, there is this hidden knowledge waiting to be tapped. But, first we have to realize that even though we have made advances in technology, science and medicine, there is still a lot of inequality around the world. It is quite possible that humanity on Earth has not reached that point in time that would allow us to truly understand, rationalize and understand the knowledge that is still hidden in Earth’s past.

It is more than possible that somewhere beyond the heavens the brothers of man may look very much like us in every way. They, like us throughout our known history, would succumb to the same universal sins of our parents. Unable to avoid the mistakes of the past, repeating history in various ways as we have and continue to do. Perhaps that is why there is a history of our existence that will remain hidden for some time. Hidden until humanity is truly capable of being more human. Until then, the brothers of man are now trying to survive like us somewhere, beyond the stars.

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