Why Making Money As A Home-Based Marketing Consultant Doesn’t Require Natural Skill Or Money

Usually when someone comes to me and asks me to train them as a
marketing consultant will ask what makes my way of doing things different from that of all the other marketing consultants.

Why would someone without extraordinary talent, speaking skills, or sales skills
you can last 20+ years in this game while 80% of all other home based games
marketing consultants eventually sink or do so little of their business in reality
it costs them money every year.

In other words… what’s my secret?

There are only two.

One is that I’m always promoting myself. I never stop promoting my business and going
after new clients.

The second, however, is a bit different. And it’s what keeps me and my home
Business marketing consulting students one, two, or even three steps from everyone else.
Even people with the most natural talent for marketing and sales, and even those with the most
money to advertise.

You see, where I, and those I train, differ from everyone else is in our ability to go
in a small business and identify what I like to call “hidden marketing assets”.

What is a hidden marketing asset?

A hidden marketing asset is something the business owner I’m working with has
that’s immensely valuable to him and his business, but he doesn’t realize it.

An example of this (and there are dozens and dozens of them) is special
relationships the customer may have with other people and businesses in the
community that they can take advantage of by exchanging leads.

And what you have to do, above all, is simply learn to identify those

How do you do that?

Well, what I do is I ask a special series of questions of each client that I work with and whose
sole purpose is to find those hidden assets.

And once I have those assets, the marketing consultancy pretty much runs itself. Tea
money begins to flow almost magically. Even if the customer is not spending
extra money in your marketing. In fact, sometimes you’ll spend less.

And this simple thing is really what separates us from anyone else.

Any traditional advertiser or traditional marketing consultant does not care about the
the company’s hidden marketing assets.

They just want to sell more advertising and they want to sell more direct mail or
want to sell more coupons or want to sell more ad space or more
radio ads or more newspapers.

When you do it my way, on the other hand, you’re coming in and saying, “Hey, you
I don’t need any of that, but I need to guide you through a series of questions to
see if you have what I call marketing assets. So, I’ll just take those assets.
and systematically leverage them in a marketing system to create raises for

See what I mean?

This is one of the reasons why you don’t need to be a marketing and business professional.
genius to succeed as a marketing consultant in a home business.

And the irony of all this is that it’s so easy that most people miss it. even trained

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