When to potty train toddlers

If you ask most parents who have previously potty-trained their children, most will say that it was an exhausting time with many small, or in some cases large, obstacles that came along the way. So getting the timing right to start potty training your toddler is an important part of overall exercise. Parents around the world often scratch their heads wondering at what age or when to potty train and the answer seems to be simple: when is the child ready! If it starts before they are ready, history shows that parents can experience weeks, months, or even, in some cases, years of frustrations and ongoing problems with potty training.

To help you identify if your child is ready to be potty trained, take 5 minutes and answer the following questions:

1. Is your child at least 18 months old?
2. Does your child seem curious about other people, especially parents, going to the bathroom?
3. Does your child show any interest or curiosity about the potty?
4. Does your child seem happy with the potty or toilet or does he seem to have some fears with these areas?
5. Does your child point out a path that you need to go? (gestures, signals or words).
6. Does your child have regular bowel movements?
7. Does your child seem irritated by wet or dirty nappies or nappies?
8. Does your child have very wet diapers or diapers?
9. Does your child respond positively to simple commands or instructions from you?
10. Does your child respond positively to praise and/or rewards?

If you answered yes to 8 or more of these questions, then the answer to your own question, when to potty train, is now! If you answered yes to less than 8, maybe wait a little longer, even just a couple of months. The time has to be right.

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