Tips for organizing the kitchen

Managing a kitchen is not just fixing things, but also handling food and cooking. To save time and energy in the kitchen, follow some easy-to-do recommendations.

Here are some cooking tips to help you run a kitchen:


o Choose a menu: Plan ahead for the food to be served during the week. Balanced combination consisting of a rice dish, a main dish and a salad.

o List the ingredients: Prepare a list of the things you will need to cook. Prioritize the main ingredients. Buy the ingredients a week in advance.

o Write down unusual items: Making a list of unusual items from the grocery store can give you new ideas for your next menu.

o Fresh vegetables: Leafy vegetables die easily even if kept in the refrigerator. Clean and wrap the vegetables in paper and refrigerate to prolong their freshness.

o Read the cooking steps: read the recipe many times and familiarize yourself with the methods indicated before cooking.

o Pre-tasting of recipes: Eating in a restaurant and trying to get the flavor of the ingredients used.


o Vegetables: Soak vegetables in water for ½ hour before putting them on the stove, for faster cooking.

o Tomatoes: To recover the hardness of a tender tomato, place it in cold water and add a liter of salt. It will harden in 10 minutes.

o Rice Grains: Pieces of neem and turmeric or even garlic are placed in the container of rice grains to keep them away from insects.

o Ginger and Garlic Paste: Prepare a ginger and garlic paste for later cooking. Mix a pinch of salt into the pasta and refrigerate it to preserve its freshness.

o Fresh ginger: Put it in the freezer when you are not using it.

o Tasty Dosa – Add a teaspoon of seeds with rice and dal during soaking.

o Soft dosas: Add boiled rice to the white gram while grinding.

o Crispy Dosas: While soaking the rice, add a teaspoon each of tur dal gram and fenugreek seeds.

o Thawing: Thaw frozen food first on a plate and not on the kitchen counter to avoid bacteria.

o To peel garlic flakes: Wash and soak garlic in cold water for one hour for easy peeling.

o Salt: Add a pinch of cornmeal to prevent the salt from getting wet.

o Flour: To keep the flour free of moisture, add a bay leaf to the flour container.

o Plantains and Potatoes: Soak chopped plantains and potatoes in water to prevent them from discoloring (turning black).

o Eggs: To easily remove the shell from an egg, soak it in cold water for 5 minutes. To prevent them from breaking when cutting boiled eggs, dip the knife in hot water.

o Bread: To cut soft bread, hold a knife close to the burner flame and cut into slices.


o When boiling eggs, pinch a hole in the rounded side of the egg to avoid cracking the shell.

o When cooking dal, add refined garlic or oil to reduce gas problems.

o Add 4 cups of water if the curd is too sour. Remove the water from above after an hour.

o Before steaming the potato, put a little vinegar in the boiling water.

o Add a little salt to make the onions brown faster.

o Put a pinch of salt when frying the fish to prevent it from sticking in the pan.

o Add 1 teaspoon of rice flour to a cup of amide to make crispy samosas.

o Put a little oil on the batter before frying the pakoras to get the desired crispiness.

o Add roasted rice powder to adjust the salty curry.

o Add a pinch of sugar when the corn or cob boils. It will bring out the natural sweetness of the corn.

o To make a smooth chapathi, add ½ teaspoon of baking soda while mixing the batter.


o To keep drains unclogged, mix a gallon of hot water with 1 tablespoon of powdered detergent and ½ cup of bleach. Pour the mixture into the sink and let the tap water run for a few minutes. A clogged sink can be cleared in an hour with a mixture of 1 cup of hot water, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar, and a teaspoon of baking soda.

o Clean turmeric stains with a few drops of lime juice.

o Aluminum foil can be used to prevent spillage on the kitchen surface. Clean oven spills by sprinkling salt. When it has cooled, brush off the burnt food with a damp sponge.

o Clean your refrigerator weekly. Put some vanilla cotton balls in the fridge to get rid of odors.

Here are some of the many cooking tips that can help you handle jobs in the kitchen. Following these simple tips will definitely get the most out of your kitchen needs.

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