The story of the corsage

Do you remember getting your first corsage for high school prom, or wearing an orchid on Easter or a carnation on Mother’s Day? Where do these traditions come from? When did people start wearing bras? Many florists and flower experts present various compilations on the history of the corsage.

The word corsage comes from the same French word that refers to the bodice of a woman’s dress. Women wore flowers pinned to their bodice, usually in the center of the bodice, and thus the flowers became known in French as “bouquet de corsage”. The concept of bringing flowers on special occasions dates back much further than 19th century France. Many reports note that in ancient Greece, brides and their attendants used pinned flowers on their wedding attire not only for a pleasing appearance, but also to provide a pleasant aroma. The scent of the flowers was supposed to ward off evil spirits that could bring bad luck and disfavor to the marriage.

In the 1600s, men wore flowers on their clothing in order to ward off evil spirits and disease. These individual flowers were called buttonholes which, when translated into English, mean “little buttonhole.” In the 17th century, a man could wear a boutonniere every day, but over time the practice was reserved for formal events such as weddings and other formal occasions.

Over time, the practice of wearing flowers in the center of a woman’s bodice evolved first to wearing small bouquets pinned to the shoulder of a dress or suit. A bra should be worn on the left side because that side is closest to the heart.

In the early 1900s, the bodice was worn in reverse, with the bow holding the flowers together facing up and the flowers pointing down. This tradition is no longer as rigid and the bodice can be worn in any way that complements the woman’s attire.

Since many formal party dresses are now strapless or have only spaghetti straps, the location of the corsage has changed, and small bouquets can be worn on a wristband, in the hair, or, less commonly, on the ankle. For formal events and proms, the man’s buttonhole and the woman’s corsage should match or at least complement each other to bring the couple’s look together.

Corsages are worn not only at weddings and graduations, but also at Easter, Mother’s Day and birthdays or any other occasion where the man or family member wishes to show affection to the woman or girl and tell them they are specials. For Easter, an orchid is often the flower of choice for a corsage, but the wonderful sweet-smelling gardenia is also popular. A tradition that began in the early 1900s is to wear a red carnation on Mother’s Day if her mother is still alive, and to wear a white carnation if her mother is deceased. It is a beautiful tradition to honor the mother on this special day.

The origin of graduation corsages is fascinating. In the early 1900s, a young man would bring a gift, often a bouquet of flowers, to his date’s parents when he picked her up for prom. He would then take a flower from that bouquet and pin it to his date’s dress, and perhaps take a flower for his own etiquette. This is believed to be the origin of the prom corsage, a must-have accessory for any couple attending high school prom today.

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