The most important questions to ask a psychic, medium or spiritual healer

Stuck, frustrated, or unclear where your life is headed? Do you find yourself spinning your wheels, or just not making progress in critical areas of your life, even though you spend MOST of your time obsessing over them? Do you find yourself wondering about the “meaning of life” or harboring “is THIS all there is” thoughts more often than you should, or is it even healthy? In this article I’m going to share some super simple techniques you can use to transform your confidence and sense of PASSION, purpose and POWER in your life… all through interaction with your spiritual advisor of choice. (Whether it be a psychic, medium, astrologer, member of the clergy or other).

Filed Under: What are the MOST important questions a spiritual advisor should ask you?

First, the key to getting life advice you can actually use is asking the right KINDS of questions. You don’t want to ask “why” questions that victimize you or put you in a frame of mind that weakens, undermines, and soaks your self-confidence.

“Why do I keep getting passed over for a promotion?” is an example of a BAD question that a lot of people will ask.

However, “why can’t I meet a man who is faithful?” is another one.


Ask empowering questions.

Questions that are not oriented to “why”, but to WHAT or HOW.

For example –

“What’s the lesson I’m supposed to learn about relationships through the choices I’m making?”

Prayed –

“How can I use this experience to further my own spiritual growth, evolution, power, and overall purpose?”

It’s amazing how simply framing things differently can transform your sense of personal power, and the idea that there is a greater expanded awareness that we are ALL supposed to gain from every experience.

In fact, in my own experiences as a writer, researcher, and editor in the psychic and spiritual realm, I’ve learned that some of the most important life lessons, and things that I truly believe were critical to my karma, were the most important events or experiences. hard and painful that I have had.

And yet, viewed through the prism or perspective of personal growth and spiritual development, I recognize that if those things had NOT happened to me… I most likely would never have made the important decisions that allowed me to go, grow and mature in ways you never would have otherwise.

I have seen hundreds upon hundreds of people experience psychic readings, spiritual counseling, astrological consultations, and meetings with mediums and intuitive advisors from all over the world.

The ones who NEVER get what they need are always the ones who feel like a victim when they walk in…and leave feeling victimized too.

Those who make great spiritual progress and ultimately reach the highest levels of happiness are those who see each and every human experience as an opportunity to evolve.

your challenge?

If you are serious about spiritual growth and living a life you love, be part of the second group! Change the way you see your own life, your own challenges and obstacles, and even the people you perceive as your “enemies.” Accept ALL experiences and all people for what they are: a magical and mysterious part of your spiritual journey, and a critical part of your karma too!

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