Parentification: What could happen if someone had to meet the needs of their caregivers?

If someone were to look back on their life, they might wonder what happened to their childhood. The reason for this is that this may have been a stage where they had to act like an adult.

Instead of being able to have fun, play, and have very few, if any, responsibilities, they may have been just the opposite. A time in their life when they should have been carefree was then a time when they were overwhelmed.

an investment

Ultimately, they would have been forced to act as a father figure and one or both of their caretakers would have likely acted as children. A time in their life when they needed to receive and express themselves ended up being a time when they needed to give and hide.

Naturally, since they had to be there for someone else or several people, it would not have been possible for them to grow and develop. So while they’ll look like adults, it’s highly unlikely they’ll feel like one.

a great act

Still, thanks to what they had to do during their formative years, they are likely to be very good at playing the adult role. They will be there for others and could even work in a helping profession.

Therefore, most people are likely to see them as being very responsible and playing their part in life. In fact, it could go further, with some people describing them as selfless and holy.

an endless flow

It may not matter what time of day it is or what they are doing, as they could be available to help others. If they are not available in person, they may be available by phone.

Due to how they behave, they will be used to receiving positive feedback from others. However, from time to time, they might end up feeling exhausted and wondering what’s going on.

a challenging time

During this time, not only will they feel totally overwhelmed, but they may also feel bad that they can’t be there for others. Then they will be on their backs emotionally, if not physically, but they will not be able to truly surrender to what is happening.

There will be guilt and shame that they feel and they may also feel that their very survival is threatened. Consequently, they won’t allow themselves to fully recharge, and this could cause them to crash again before long.

a natural result

Behind the act they present to the world there is likely to be an underdeveloped child, and this child will have been hiding long ago. Ergo, although it will have been many, many years since they were children, the child they once were will now live within them.

This child, not having received what he needed, is unlikely to be on the right track. Since they normally had to be there for others as children, this part of them will have many unmet needs and will suffer greatly.

a bad thing

The needs they had as children were not bad, but they would have come to believe that something was wrong with them. As a result of this, they would have ended up hiding and then disconnecting from them.

It would have been painful for them to be aware of their needs and not have them met and reveal them would likely have caused them to be rejected and/or abandoned. From a young age, they learned that hiding their needs and being there for others was the only way to survive.

A weak sense of self

Your true self, so your needs, feelings, preferences and desires, would have been hidden and a false self would have been created. This would have happened automatically as they were raised in an environment where they were forced to adapt to their caretakers.

Another part of not having received what you needed is that you will not have been able to develop boundaries. They will not have a clear idea of ​​where they start and end and where other people start and end.

an empty container

If they had received what they needed, they would have been able to go from an empty and dependent human being to a full and interdependent human being. They would have a strong sense of self and strong boundaries, allowing them to know what they are and are not responsible for and feel comfortable asserting themselves and saying no.

Their needs and feelings would also be seen as a normal part of life rather than something to be ashamed of and hide. This would allow them to have egalitarian relationships, not relationships where they are like a parent and another is like a helpless child.

on balance

Taking care of their needs would be a normal part of life and they would not need to feel bad about not being able to be there for another. What this would also do is prevent them from being enablers.

In other words, they would not do for others the things that they should do for themselves. They may not have been able to have fun and play as a child, but now they will be able to make time for those things.


If someone can relate to this and is ready to change their life, they may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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