My kids don’t drive me crazy

As a homeschooler, when you see me in public, you’ll probably see one to five of my children by my side. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10:00 am on a Wednesday at the grocery store or 11:30 am at a busy doctor’s office. The children are always with me.

What puzzles me is the reaction of the adults we come into contact with during the day.

Many gasp that I am wearing ironed clothes and doing my hair. Most think that I should go crazy.

Breaking news

My kids don’t drive me crazy.

(most of the time)

I always have 1-5 kids (8-20 years old) by my side, no matter where I go. They are my friends. I am hurt beyond words!

I find my children to be amazing people. Unique, creative and interesting.

I to wish to spend time with my boys. They are quirky, funny and entertaining.

I love being the one to find out about all those crazy ‘childhood imaginings’. Why should you be in the dark about what brings you joy?

I appreciate that my children work closely with me to run our household. They understand that we are a team.

Family is the focal point of my children’s lives.

My children spend their time with people of different age groups and can easily relate to almost anyone. It’s a pleasure to be around.

I spend so much time with my kids that they are not clingy or needy.

I don’t feel like I’m missing out on his childhood. I am there to witness quality moments encapsulated in quantity of time.

If my children are suffering, they come to me. They know i can trust me.

If my children are afraid, they come to me. They know I’ll calm them down.

My children do not question my desire to be a part of their lives.

I’m “all in.”

Why do children drive their parents crazy?

They are not used to having their children around; they are usually at school or kindergarten.

Tea heart of the life of his children you live far from them.

During the school day, children laugh, cry and wonder.

At the end of the day, parents ask their children, “What did you do today?”

Children say: “Nothing.” They don’t know how to relate to each other.

With working parents, public school and extracurricular activities. Families are dragged from one destination to another, often tense as children cannot find their shoes, backpack or sports equipment. Families are filled with anxiety.

Children take advantage of their parents’ time. They need attention. When parents and their children live away from each other all day, they try to take advantage of their quality time. you rarely get quality time without amount hour. While special moments can be created, spontaneous moments are lost.

They don’t know their children in the same way that they would if they spent all their time together. This is a quantity thing. Best friends find each other. They invest the best in each other. Next to our spouses, our children should make the most of us.

The school is the central point of the child’s life.

Children spend most of their time surrounded by children their own age, so they do not easily relate to people of other ages.

They believe that “me time” is essential to daily life. (I think “we time” is essential. My children too)

Bottom line?

I believe that our society has been seriously deceived. Our children should not be brought into a classroom where they are surrounded by their peer group and forced to receive information that does not inspire them to learn more.

I know that homeschooling is not for everyone. Honestly, homeschooling is hard. Very hard.

Parents should do everything possible to refocus their children so that the family is the center, not the school. This may mean turning off the TV, giving up sports, and renting an RV. I think kids need to know that their parents are “all in.” It may take some convincing, but our kids need this!

I think parents need a mindset change.

  • It’s good to be around your children.
  • It’s okay to have many, many, many moments that are unstructured. That’s where quality time lives!!
  • It’s good to snuggle and read together.
  • It’s good to cook, clean and create with your children by your side.
  • it’s good drag Take your kids to the store, the doctor’s office, and the zoo.
  • It’s good for your children to see you laugh.
  • Children are entertaining.
  • Children are a blessing.
  • Family time is more important than time for me. Almost. Always.

You may be thinking, but you don’t know my children. They want nothing to do with me. You don’t have to take them out of public school necessarily, but their time is ticking. This is one of those mountains worth dying on. Your family is everything. Get your family back. It will take time and energy that you don’t think you have, but it’s worth it.

If you know you can’t homeschool your kids, you can still get your family back…

Turn off the television at least one day a week.

I’m not against television, I’m just more interested in my children. Television prevents children from building, creating and speaking. It’s true Your home is cleaner and quieter with the equipment on, but at what cost?

Start eating at the table. Reinstate family dinners. Have the kids help plan and prepare at least one meal a week (or month).

Clear the calendar and set up a Family Game Night.

Wake up your kids early and go see the sunrise (once a month). Be sure to bring or pick up a delicious breakfast.

Let the kids stay up late and put a telescope in the yard. Sit outside and gaze at the stars with your children.

Read aloud to your children. It doesn’t matter how old they are. Find a gripping story and stop at a point of suspension. Let them enjoy a bowl of popcorn while you read. Do you need some suggestions?

Learn to ask questions that cannot be answered with a yes or no.

Learn to wait for children to respond. We can be so busy that we don’t have the patience for our children’s minds to form answers.

Teach your kids to do something difficult: change a tire, use a weed killer, unclog a drain, reprogram a computer, build a fence, ANYTHING. Make this a regular habit.

Expect your children to help around the house. Children need homework, but they are not slaves. Work alongside them. Put them in charge of the background music (maybe just once a week if you can’t stomach their choices).

Set limits. Children need to know that you will keep them safe. This means different things for each family. You are the father. You set the standards.

TURN OFF YOUR smartphone, laptop, iPad, or any screen that takes your child’s view away. Make it a policy that during your short time together, you will be “ALL IN.”

Turn off the home phone at night. Family time is sacred!

Read a proverb every day to your children. There are 31 Proverbs, so you look at the calendar and read that Proverb. If you really want to get your family back, you need more of God. Period. Start where you are. Ask God to help you and start reading your Bible. Proverbs is a good place to start because it is full of incredible wisdom for your family. No, it is not outdated.

Eliminate any activity that does not strengthen your family. This can be VERY difficult. Be honest with yourself. There is no one size fits all family. What I need to cut in my family will be absolutely different for yours. Just be real.

Family time is precious.

Cut expenses. This may seem obvious, but it is not. If you cut your expenses, you can spend more and more time with your family. With a little creative financing, you might even be able to afford to stay at home!

Start slowly.

  • Put your kids down and let them know you are getting your family back.
  • Implement one new habit at a time. If you have older children, let them pick one thing to change first.
  • Be consistent.
  • Set a reminder on your calendar and reevaluate your efforts at least once a month.

Which mom would you rather be?

The one who loves to be close to her children,

or the one who goes crazy for them?

Do any change necessary to make the right choice.

It may not be easy, but it’s worth it!

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