Is there a right age to get engaged?

Commitment is one of the few things that people most anticipate in their life. Aside from landing the job of their dreams, getting married, and perhaps having a baby, committing to a shared life with the partner of their dreams is one of the biggest goals the average man or woman wants to accomplish in their lifetime.

With this in mind, it’s easy to understand why so many young couples are quick to get engaged, often without the means or preparation to share a life together. This, in turn, leads several critics to condemn youth commitments, stating that men and women should wait until their 20s and 30s before making this type of decision. However, for every advocate of a more ‘mature’ age of engagement, there will be another voice proclaiming that there is nothing wrong with getting engaged young, and that it is love, rather than age or any other factor, that matters. . the majority.

For brides and grooms-to-be caught between these two opposing opinions, it can be difficult to determine which side is correct. The answer is both. The truth is, there doesn’t seem to be a right or wrong age to get engaged; however, both camps present strong points as part of their argument.

Love conquers all…or does it?

If anyone wishes to find a culprit in the proportion of young and unprepared people who commit themselves without thinking of the consequences, the media in general might be a good target. Hollywood movies and glossy magazines definitely enhance the whole engagement process, and with a large part of their audience made up of impressionable-age men and women, it’s not hard to see how the relationships and stories conveyed in such media could lead to a high number. of young commitments.

However, what most people don’t realize about romantic comedies and luxury magazines is that the people depicted in their engagement portrayals are usually from the upper middle class and have established, well-paying jobs. Thus, they are able to support themselves and their partner, something most young adults finishing school or just getting their first job may not be able to do. As such, it’s not uncommon to see young engagements fall apart due to lack of preparation, planning, or simply due to personalities still in their formative stages. Contrary to what the media will tell young couples, love doesn’t conquer all, and that lesson is often learned the hard way.

Seizing the Youth

On the other hand, committing later in life can take some of the excitement and excitement out of the whole process. While it’s not uncommon to see older couples just as excited about their engagement as their younger counterparts, young people tend to be more likely to seize the moment and get carried away with the prospect of a life together. As such, a young (but not too young) commitment can often be a more satisfying experience than one made at a later age.

However, at the end of the day, the fact remains: there is no right or wrong age to get engaged, and opinions on this subject will always vary. Therefore, it is up to the bride and groom to determine whether or not they have the means and maturity to take this important step not only in their relationships, but also in their lives.

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