Is it safe to kiss your dog on the mouth?

This is a very polarizing question. Hundreds of thousands of people “kiss” their dogs every day and an equal number of animal lovers are dead set against it. Meanwhile, the great debate continues. “To kiss or not to kiss, that is the question.”

There are many myths surrounding dog kisses. Some believe a dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s, while others think their pet’s mouth is sterile and germ-free. The truth is that it is not true either. In fact, (as long as you brush your dog’s teeth), a dog’s mouth is probably as dirty or clean as a human’s. That said, there are still several things to consider in the great “to kiss or not to kiss” debate.

Can I get a disease from my dog?
Technically you can, however it is highly unlikely. According to veterinarians, humans and dogs have different bacteria in their mouths and not all bacteria are capable of causing disease in the other species. And, some veterinarians believe that the endorphins released in the human brain from contact with pets may actually help stimulate the human immune system.

Whether you choose to kiss or not to kiss, good hygiene is vital to your dog’s health. Remember to brush your dog’s teeth regularly and invest in some dental chew toys between brushings. The Kong Dental with String is highly effective for cleaning and strengthening teeth and gums.

One of the most concerning health issues associated with “kissing” your dog is worms. Your dog could have various forms of worms, and many worms are transferable to humans. These worms can cause all kinds of medical problems for both you and your dog.

Worms are usually dissipated through defecation, and since some dogs have been known to eat fecal matter, the “problem” of worms is more of a problem than getting a disease. If you’ve checked your dogs for worms and been diligent about worm maintenance, then you’re probably fine kissing your dog. If not, it might be time to have a conversation with your vet about worms.

All in all, I think the battle between kissing and not kissing is entirely up to the person choosing “to kiss or not to kiss.” And no matter which side of the debate you’re on, what we can all agree on is the unconditional love we share with our pets.

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