How to Treat a Thin Uterine Lining to Improve Fertility

One of the main causes of infertility and IVF failure is a thin uterine lining, inadequate blood flow to the uterus, i.e. low uterine artery pulsatility index. Treatment to increase blood flow is essential to improve fertility and reduce the chances of miscarriage. It should be noted that stress, lack of exercise, insufficient rest, lack of joy, and certain foods can inhibit blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. The following are effective treatments for a thin endometrial lining…

Acupuncture. An area of ​​research, as well as my own experience, has shown extreme effectiveness with acupuncture and its effect on increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, testicles). This may be the main reason why acupuncture shows benefits for women undergoing IVF fertility treatments in Vancouver. Simply, the blood carries the drugs to the ovaries and uterus, and if the flow is not impeded, then more IVF drugs reach their intended destination, resulting in better responses and positive outcomes.

chinese herbal medicine. Many of the herbs in the Chinese medicine pharmacy have the effect of increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. Many are said to “quicken and tone the blood.” Others ‘nourish and build blood’. Science is now showing that many of these herbs have the same physiological effects as Viagra (Sildenafil), a drug well known for its effect on erectile health. This drug, and the herbs mentioned, simply increase blood flow to the uterus, ovaries, and penis (causing erections) by increasing the release of nitric oxide, a substance that dilates blood vessels.

thigh massage. Perform from the end of menstruation to ovulation or recovery date if undergoing IVF. Do 2-3 times each leg (separately), 1-2 times a day. This massage increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, providing more nutrition to the uterus and ovaries, the testes and the penis. Compress the femoral artery with your fingers, quite strong pressure will be required. When you feel the flow has stopped, hold for 30 seconds. The femoral artery can be located at the level of the pubic bone, just below the groin crease between the thigh and lower abdomen. The blood will then back up and increase the pressure gradient in the iliac arteries, forcing more blood into the pelvic arteries. This floods the pelvic organs and genitals with more blood. When the hold is released, you should feel a warm sensation running down your legs as the blood supply returns to your lower extremities. Do not do this exercise if: you are pregnant, post-transfer during an IVF cycle, have high blood pressure, have heart disease or circulatory problems (aneurysms, varicose veins, phlebitis, thrombosis), have a history of stroke or retinal detachment

castor oil packet. A castor oil pack is placed on the skin to increase circulation and promote the shedding and healing of the tissues and organs under the skin. It is used to stimulate the liver, relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve digestion. Castor oil compresses are made by soaking a piece of flannel in castor oil and placing it on the skin. The flannel is covered with a plastic sheet and then a hot water bottle is placed on the plastic to warm the pack. Castor oil should not be taken internally. It should not be applied to broken skin, nor should it be used during pregnancy and lactation. PREPARATION: Place the flannel in the container. Soak it in castor oil so it’s saturated, but not dripping. Place the pack on the lower abdomen, above the uterus. Cover with plastic. Place the hot water bottle on top of the pack. Leave on for 45-60 minutes. Rest while the pack is in place. After removing the pack, clean the area with a diluted solution of water and baking soda. Store the packet in the covered container in the refrigerator. Each pack can be reused up to 25-30 times. NOTE: It is generally recommended to use a castor oil pack 3-7 days a week to treat a health condition or for detoxification. best if packs are used every other day for the first week. After that, packs can normally be used on consecutive days from then on. 30-60 minutes per use.

meal. Here are some dietary principles you can implement to help create a thick uterine lining; Avoid acidic foods when bleeding (yogurt, vinegar, pickles, grapefruit, currants, and green apples). Eat more blood-nutritious foods when you bleed, such as eggs, carrots, spinach, dates, and goji berries. Eat more blood-boosting foods when you bleed, such as fish, ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric.

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