How to Recognize Canine Anemia in Boston Terriers

In January of this year, my Boston Terrier – Rose contracted hemolytic anemia. The cause of his anemia is still unknown. Because I didn’t recognize her anemia quickly enough, it nearly cost her her life. Perhaps by learning the steps of how to recognize it, you can save your dog’s life.

Observation.The first step is to look over your dog.

*Look at his gums. Are they pale or yellow?

* Is the tongue pale in color?

* Does your dog act depressed?

* Don’t they jump on the couch anymore?

*Are they acting like they can’t keep their eyes open? As if her eyelids weighed a thousand pounds.

* Have they lost their appetite?

*Do you lack energy?

* Do they snarl or snap easily?

Feel.The second step is to touch and feel your dog.

*Does your dog’s belly feel too hot?

*Put your hand on his chest.

*Does your heart feel like it’s beating too fast?

*Are they breathing harder or faster than normal?

Listens.The third step is to pay attention to your breath.

*Has your dog started snoring or is he snoring louder than usual?

*If you recognize any of these symptoms, see your vet immediately. Do not hesitate.

The last step is the treatment of canine hemolytic anemia.

Depending on the severity of the case, your dog may receive a blood transfusion. (My dog ​​- Rose received a transfusion that was donated by a bull mastiff. The blood unit was actually split between my Boston Terrier and a poodle.)

This will likely be followed by intravenous steroids. (My dog: Rose had these and was left with an IV like humans do for several days. I’d include a picture of this now if she could. Rose was very good at leaving the IV alone.)

Other treatments include the use of immunosuppressive drugs. With hemolytic anemia, the dog’s own system is destroying its own red blood cells and these medications are used to slow that destruction.

The dog’s switch to oral steroids (and removal of the IV) occurs after several days and the dog can go home when he no longer loses blood (or destroys his own red blood cells).

It’s now September and I still have to give Rose oral steroids, an immunosuppressant, blood pressure medication (hemolytic anemia made her heart murmur worse), multivitamins with minerals in liquid and tablet form, and CoQ10 (also for heart support). to the heart).

If I hadn’t contracted this anemia and hadn’t received treatment for my dog, he would have died.

Please pay attention to the list of symptoms above and again if you recognize any of them in your dog – go to the vet immediately!

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