How to lose love handles

Love handles are the traditional term applied to describe the folds of extra abdominal fat that give your belly a bulging appearance. This term has been cited in the literature since the 1960s. Some sources indicate that the phrase love handles refers to the soft, supple region of a romantic partner’s stomach that is accessible for grasping during a close wrap or embrace. Although some people accept the development of love handles as an inevitable sign of aging, many do not and want to get rid of it. They feel it destroys their good looks. Here are some ways you can lose your love handles.

Avoid eating late at night

Many people enjoy eating late at night, especially on weekends, after watching a movie or two with family or friends. And sometimes eating late at night becomes unavoidable in cases where you are late from work. But have you ever realized that eating late at night is to blame for your love handles? The reason eating late at night makes you fat is that there is no need to do much physical activity at night. After eating, you can just sit back and watch TV or immediately fall asleep. Since there is no energy consumption, the level of sugar in the bloodstream rises and the excess sugar is stored as fat under the skin.

No saturated and trans fats please

Saturated fats are found primarily in animal products such as meat, dairy, shellfish, and eggs. It is also found in some plant-based foods such as palm oil, coconut oil, and palm kernel oil. Saturated fats are bad fats that increase the total cholesterol in the blood, as well as the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Trans fats are formed as a result of hydrogenation and are mostly found in processed and packaged food products like stick margarine, microwave popcorn, potato chips, etc. These are also bad fats.

Replace the bad fats listed above with good fats that are part of monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats. MUFAs play an important role in lowering the level of total cholesterol and the level of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream. In addition, it increases the level of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in the blood. Avocado, walnuts, canola, peanuts, olive oil, pistachios, and almonds are rich in MUFAs. Polyunsaturated fats also lower total cholesterol level and LDL level. Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats; and are contained in salmon and fish oil.

Avoid all processed foods

In modern days, we get instant food and very convenient. But little do we realize that these canned, processed and refined foods are one of the main causes of the prevailing epidemic called overweight and obesity. Avoid all processed foods; switch to fresh foods like fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. In addition, they are less caloric. You can take them in abundance. Include a minimum of 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

avoid alcohol

Avoid alcohol consumption, since the consumption of alcohol such as beer produces an increase in weight and fat that is concentrated in the belly region. Each gram of alcohol has 7 calories. In addition, it contains nutrients; and everything is fat. So every time you drink alcohol, you’re consuming fat that would obviously sit on your belly. If you can’t quit alcohol all of a sudden, try putting it off as an occasional drink. Always remember that moderation is the key.

exercise regularly

If you want to lose your love handles and keep your abs flat forever, you need to infuse regular exercise into your lifestyle. Outdoor exercises like rowing, cycling, swimming, climbing, running, walking, jogging, and bicycling not only work well on your abs, but are also great ways to stave off boredom. In case you prefer indoor exercises, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, treadmill, stair climbers, exercise bikes, stair climbers, etc. they are good options. Mix some abdominal exercises into your exercise regimen. Exercise every day for at least 30 to 40 minutes each day.

Strengthen your lower back

Here is an exercise to strengthen your lower back. Lie on your stomach, lift your feet and knees off the ground and swing your legs from side to side, pretending to swim in the air. Practice this for a period of 15 seconds, stop and relax for thirty seconds. Do this exercise twice a day to strengthen your lower back. Strengthening your lower back muscles is necessary when strengthening your abdominal muscles to reduce love handles. This is because the muscles in your lower back help you strengthen your core and decrease fat in your back.

Reduce sodium intake

Table salt, condiments, dressings, soups, and many other prepared foods contain sodium. Sodium not only increases your chance of having a stroke or heart disease, but it also makes it easier for your body to retain water, which in turn makes areas like your gut and love handles appear even more distinguishable. Therefore, reduce your sodium intake. Avoid processed foods that are high in sodium, and don’t add salt to the foods you prepare.

drinking water

This is probably the millionth time you’ve heard this – “drink water”, but this is the fact, a very important factor that contributes to weight loss is water. Drink three liters of water a day to lose those ugly-looking love handles. Water fights hunger, reduces water retention that results from excess sodium, metabolizes fat into energy, flushes out toxins, improves digestion, and keeps you hydrated and fresh throughout the day.

count your calories

Record all of your calorie intake in a diary. Calculate how many calories you consumed that day. Every calorie counts. Always try to restrict your calorie intake to a certain level depending on your lifestyle, age, gender, and genetics. In general, the average person requires about 2,000 calories every day. But for those who opt for weight reduction, this amount will be reduced from 1,400 to 1,800.

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