How to keep a cruel ant farm

Ant farms have become a popular fixture in most homes, but to ensure the health and safety of their occupants, it’s very important to remember that ants are living things, not just a cute gadget in the living room. be. Learning how to maintain a cruel-free ant farm is key to ensuring a healthy and active colony.

Remember: it is not a toy

It is extremely important to remind everyone at home that an ant farm is definitely not a toy. Young children should not be allowed near the farm unsupervised as they will often wreak havoc trying to help or see what the ants are up to. Ants need a stable environment to thrive, with the right amounts of water and food, so having a four year old flood the farm to see if the ants can swim, or giving them extra food and sticky candy because the ants like it. enchant can spell the end of your ant colony.

Choose the right kind of food

Food that is too sticky, too sweet, or too bland will break down faster than the ants can consume it, creating a big sticky mess and forcing you to clean up the ant farm. Ants really don’t like it when a big human hand starts cleaning around their nests as it will stress them out. So, to keep an ant farm happy, be sure to feed them only fresh, crunchy foods, in small amounts. You can give them more food if you see them taking everything inside the colony too quickly. To keep a cruel ant farm, make sure your ants always have fresh food and give them the occasional treat in the form of some sugar water, avoiding jelly or honey which can be messy and sticky.

Don’t move the farm

How would you feel if your house suddenly started shaking and shaking? Ants like peace and quiet, so choose an ant farm location that is out of direct sunlight and resist the urge to move the farm, or your ant colony may become stressed and begin to stain. Avoid hitting the walls of the farm, sudden noises and vibrations, and try to keep the temperature stable to provide a healthy and safe environment for your ants. Make sure you select a safe place where the farm is safe and not at risk of falling. This is particularly important if there are small children and pets around, as you really don’t want your farm to collapse and your dining room to be filled with confused ants.

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