How to become a history buff

What is a history buff? There are many people who consider themselves lovers of history, but are they really? Does it depend on how much you like or enjoy historical subjects? There’s no way anyone knows everything about a historical subject, so what’s the scale? How much do you need to know to be considered an amateur? It seems that the phrase History Buff gets thrown around a lot. More than 800 people on Twitter consider themselves fans of the story, while more than 23,000 people mention the story on their profile. The History Channel Facebook page has over 4,000,000 likes! How can you become a history buff?

How to become a history buff:

  1. Pick a time period or a topic – find out what topic excites you. What do you want to know more about? Did you see a movie that made you want to learn more? Maybe the movie 300 made you think of Ancient Greece and the Spartans, or Saving Private Ryan made you think of World War II.
  2. Go to your local library – find as many non-fiction books as you can on your specific topic and start reading. Remember that sometimes you may need basic information to better understand the topic. If you are reading about the Roman Empire, you must understand the Roman Republic that preceded it.
  3. Check Amazon or your local bookstore: If you find a book you really like or a new book comes on the market, it might be time to buy your own copy.
  4. Check the TV listings: The History Channel is dedicated to all kinds of historical topics, check if there is a show or documentary on your topic. Channels like A&E, TLC, PBS and others air documentaries all the time. Make sure you don’t miss any on your topic.
  5. Take notes: Write down all the facts that you think are important. Highlight and write in the margins of your books. Be sure to keep all information together for quick reference.
  6. Join online discussion groups: Search Google for history discussion groups where you can discuss your topic with other knowledgeable people.
  7. Find Historical Societies or Museums – Look for local historical societies or museums that may be related to the topic you are studying.
  8. Review and Reread: Review what you’ve learned about your topic and reread some of your favorite books. You might find something that you missed the first time.
  9. Expand your topic: Once you’ve reviewed all the sources on your topic, think about expanding your topic. There’s probably an area you read about related to your first topic that comes up over and over again, repeat these steps for the new topic.

Follow this list of instructions and you will surprise your friends with your knowledge, or just start annoying them!

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