How to Avoid Typos When Writing a Lot of Articles Quickly

For a number of reasons, authors may choose to write multiple articles quickly, but this risks excessive typos. If you’re a little obsessive-compulsive, you’ll find the experience frustrating. Of course, spell check is the obvious answer, but spell check doesn’t catch many misspelled words.

Here are 7 tips for better spelling and fewer typos:

1. Improve your own spelling skills. If you think this is hopeless, make a list of frequently misspelled words and keep them in a handy notebook or computer file. Is it embarrassing or embarrassing? But embarrassing? List the correct spelling for quick reference. You may also want to purchase a spelling reference and refresh your memory regarding basic spelling skills. (Remember “i after e, except after c, or when it sounds like a, neighbor, or weight”?)

2. Write your articles in a word processor and then paste them on the Internet. Your word processor can be set to correct your spelling as you go, or alert you to questionable spellings. Seeing your words in a different font with different spacing also helps, so your eye doesn’t miss familiar phrases or words.

3. Be aware of common words used incorrectly. As you type in your mind, words that sound the same can end up being misspelled, and the spell checker won’t catch it. Pay close attention to his and them, you and you, you and you, you and yours, right and write, naked and bear, peak and glance, brake and rest.

4. Don’t ship your items right away. Before you submit an article, perhaps write another, then come back later and reread the first one, when you’re not as close to the material you’ve written. Your eye is much more likely to pick up an obvious mistake. Reread your articles at least twice, preferably in different settings. Also, watch out for duplicate letters like i and l: they are hard to see and therefore easily overlooked. I just had to correct the ‘settings’ myself.

5. Take a break periodically. The mind becomes numb to mistakes when you write too much. You may be able to compose more efficiently if you take a 5-10 minute break between articles.

6. Improve your typing skills. Touch typing is by far the fastest way to compose and can be learned with conscious effort. In just a few months, you can improve from 20 words per minute (words per minute) to at least 50. Force yourself to write correctly. Slower practice with fewer errors will eventually lead to faster, more accurate writing. Careless writing will lead to sloppy spelling.

7. Write about what you know. If you always have to search for things, more errors will appear. Don’t use words you’re not sure about; this will inevitably slow you down and lead to mistakes.

The above is what I do to write articles quickly. If I don’t have to research what I’m writing, a 400-word article can be completed in 30-40 minutes. That’s only 10 to 15 words per minute, which allows a little time to think between words. I write in spurts, finish one thought, and then pause until the next one forms in my mind. I try to have at least one complete sentence in my mind before I start writing a sentence, so I don’t have to go back and correct the words. It also allows more flexibility to change your mind without having to go back and correct something.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

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