How do electric cars work?

Most of us would have come across the concept of electric cars. How are they different from gasoline vehicles and how do they work?

An electric car is the same as a gasoline car, except that it runs on a battery, rather than gasoline. Power from the battery is supplied to the electric motor that is needed to run the vehicle. The electric motor used in an electric car can be of three types: AC induction, permanent magnet motor and brushless DC. Each of these types of engines has a particular attribute.

If you want a motor that offers maximum speed but low acceleration, the DC Brushless is the right choice. On the other hand, a motor with the highest throttle but average top speed is AC induction. The permanent motor is one that has characteristics of both motors.

The motor of an electric car is powered by a battery pack or a group of batteries that provide the necessary power supply. This power supply is regulated by a controller device that manages the supply of battery power to the motor so that the motor runs efficiently and does not burn out. This is a simple picture of how an electric car works. If you look at the complex picture, what you can see is an electrical system that is made up of many components, such as fuses, cables, and relay systems. Electrical wiring from the battery’s direct current to various components and a system of fuses serve as a protection mechanism for incoming electrical loads. Various components that make up the automobile electrical system include battery, relay, fuse, electronic controller, cable, electrical connectors, fusible link, and switch.

There are several types of batteries available for use in electric cars. The choice of battery should be based on service life, quality and power supply. These include lead acid, nickel-metal hydride, and lithium ions. Of the three types, the most popular is lead acid. This is the lowest powered type of battery and it is also 97% recyclable. One that is smaller in size is the lithium ion battery as it offers the best performance and range as well. It is important to replace car batteries every three to four years.

The battery needs to be checked periodically so that it is always kept in proper condition. This also applies to other electrical components, otherwise their condition may deteriorate. The battery terminals should be cleaned as they can develop corrosion.

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