Historical Swords Asia and Europe

the cutting sword

Medieval Europe and ancient Asia are the focal points of sword history. In both parts of the world, weapons, swords and armor in particular, were an essential part of life and death. However, different aspects of swords were highlighted and developed in each of the different cultural areas. In Europe, for example, swords were primarily intended for function, while in Asia, they also served an aesthetic purpose. In both parts of the world, designers were both craftsmen and scientists, working with materials to develop something that was stronger and more durable all the time. They also worked with the warriors to figure out what worked best, what they needed, and what items weren’t as necessary.

The first swords in medieval Europe were designed to cut and stab the opponent. Most of these were one-handed swords, freeing up the other hand to hold a shield for protection. However, the development of more advanced armor required a change in the design of the sword so that the weapon could fit into the gaps in the armor. As a result, swords were designed more for thrusting and piercing. In other words, the swords had to be able to target the small openings in the armor. To meet this end, swords became longer, thinner, and had stronger, sharper points.

In Asia, the story was quite different. Sword makers focused more on improving what they already had. Swords did not undergo evolutionary development to the extent that they did in Europe. Instead, they perfected the technique and began to develop the style. Asian values ​​demand a great appreciation for the creation of something, and with this appreciation comes a high level of aesthetics. Beauty is held in high esteem in Asia, so swords became admirable pieces of craftsmanship. The Japanese Katana, for example, is a very simple design. However, it is the simplicity that makes it such an efficient weapon because it is made with such high technique and skill that its strength and durability are undeniable.

Japanese samurai evolved from a class of people who were originally guards at castles and centers of government. They became masters of warfare and eventually came to be highly regarded in society as a ruling class of respected people. They took so much pride in their work as warriors that the disciplines of their practice became an ingrained quality of the culture. In fact, the reason martial arts have survived and enjoyed such popularity to this day is because of the great pride and admiration that the Samurai demanded.

The Samurai also demanded nothing but the best in their weapons. The development of the katana and its superior quality is a direct result of the mental toughness of the Samurai class of people.

In the Middle Ages, the manufacture of swords specialized in all regions of the world. Each area was known for its special style and design. The Longswords of Europe, for example, and the Chinese Jian are just a few. Later, in the later part of the Middle Ages, swords with which we are most familiar today were developed, including the Scottish ???, the Japanese katana, and the European rapier. These swords had much more ornate designs built into the functionality of the weapon.

In fact, the sword has undergone an amazing evolution from a simple dagger to a long, elegant, strong and beautiful sword.

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