Good Food Good Health – Ginseng

Hello everyone

As you know, good nutrition is good health and Ginseng is a supplement that I have been taking daily for several years, for me it really helps with tiredness and I think it helps to suppress my stress levels.

My friends always say that I usually seem calm and never stressed, well all I can say is that it’s a good job that they’re not with me 24/7 as it might paint a different picture.

But it is true, I have felt calmer since taking it and although some people think that the effect is physiological, I disagree, and I am very happy that new studies have shown the benefits of taking regular ginseng supplements.

In general, there are three types of ginseng, the “true” ginseng: Panax found in Asia, Panax quinquefolius, America, and Eleutherococcus senticosus in Siberia, which are used as supplements.

Ginseng has also been used for centuries as a traditional Chinese medicine, where it is administered as a tonic for its beneficial effects on the body’s central nervous system, anti-fatigue properties and protection against stress ulcers, and increased gastrointestinal mobility, including metabolic acceleration . It is also highly regarded as an enhancement of sexual functions.

Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb from the Aralacae family of plants.
Adaptogens are known and defined as therapeutic and restorative tonics, which are considered to have a good balancing effect on the body.

For any substance to be defined as an adaptogen, it is required that it be harmless and that it cause minimal changes or disturbances in the physiological functions of an organism. Therefore, an adaptogen is a substance that is believed to help the body deal with the pressure of stress levels, since the substance must have a normalizing action that is independent of the direction of pathological changes.

Ginseng contains ginsenosides, which are believed to combat fatigue and stress by aiding and supporting the adrenal glands and improving oxygen use when exercising muscles.

you can get it in root or powder form. Orientals often chew the root for its aphrodisiac properties, and it is also known throughout the world for it.
Ginseng is generally safe with no side effects. But as with all supplements, it is recommended that people with a pre-existing medical condition or taking any other form of medication seek guidance and advice from their healthcare professionals.

Rarely, consuming caffeine with ginseng may increase the risk of overstimulation and gastrointestinal upset or insomnia. It is also not recommended during pregnancy or for lactating women.

As always, the correct guideline should always be taken from the product label, as different products use different extract standards, but a daily intake of 100 to 300mg of capsules taken over a period of 3 to 6 weeks is generally required to produce adaptogenic and energetic benefits. .

Daily requirements of 1 to 2 g of American or Asian ginseng root, and 2 to 3 g of Siberian ginseng root are recommended for the production of the adaptogenic and energy benefits, but again, always check the product label for the correct dosage. .

Red and white ginseng are the other two main classes of ginseng, the white root is dried naturally while red ginseng’s color comes from a drying process that is said to increase potency.

White ginseng is for promoting general well-being and good health, and the red variety is often used to aid recovery from illness.

Recent studies have been carried out on ginseng and cancer patients, as the disease causes a lot of stress, anxiety and fatigue any reduction of this would be very beneficial.

The study was carried out in patients who were expected to live for at least six months. They were divided into four groups, each group was to receive different daily doses of: a placebo, 750 mg, 1000 mg or 2000 mg of ginseng in capsule form. All patients received the same vintage of Wisconsin ginseng to ensure a level of potency.

The study was carried out over a period of eight weeks.
Patients who received the 750 mg dose compared to the placebo group reported little or little improvement in general well-being and fatigue.

Twenty-five percent of the 1,000-mg group reported moderately or much better fatigue symptoms, and moderately improved vitality and health.

The 2,000 mg group had more than 27 percent reporting moderately or much better fatigue symptoms and moderate improvements in vitality and well-being.

The doctors said that any improvement in well-being and vitality goes a long way in helping a patient, regardless of illness, and being an adaptogen is helpful for most patients.

Another study has been conducted again with cancer patients at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which focuses heavily on an “interdisciplinary approach” to cancer treatment, care and prevention.

Thirty percent of the patients were already regular users of ginseng before their breast cancer was diagnosed. The study team found that these subjects, compared to patients who had never taken it, had a significantly lower risk of death.

Fortunately, ginseng use after diagnosis was found to be attributed to a higher quality of life score, in association with areas of psychological and social well-being and fatigue. It was observed that as the amount of ginseng administered increased, the quality of life improved.

Today, we in the Western world are looking to the herbalists of the Eastern world for all kinds of natural remedies, which have been tried and tested for thousands of years. In every city, you will now find traditional Chinese herbalists popping up, as we also reap the benefits of their knowledge.

Just be sure to check with your doctor as a precaution before taking ginseng or any other supplement for guidance and advice.

Remember good nutrition is good health

ted and sandra

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