Forsaken World – Vampires in the House

The vampire in Forsaken World is set to become one of the more popular classes, for reasons I won’t address now, so you can expect a significant number of vampires roaming the land of Eyrda, once the developer decides to let people roam. .

Now, whether you’re planning to become one, or just trying to figure out which class to choose for your vampire slayer character, to keep the bloodthirsty population in check, there are a few things you need to know about vampires in Forsaken World.

The vampire is kind of a hybrid class. A Jack of all trades, master of no kind a toon. Vampires can heal, deal DPS, PK, or be a tank. They also have ranged attacks. Yes, they have it all. But like I said, they are neither teachers.

Strong alone and class PK, very lonely. The only class that can match Assassin in PVP. The vampire is a ranged attack. It is capable of tank, heal, PK, and DPS.

It is a class that can do a little of everything but nothing better.

Here is detailed information on Vampire, Vampire has 3 different talent trees. They are very different from each other. Choosing a different talent tree means choosing a different way to play:

1. Dark tree

This is the PURE pvp talent tree. It’s also the only talent tree that gives you the control spell bonus, which can disable the enemy when you’re PK. When a vampire fights, he has a% chance to switch to a different mode – so far, I only know that there is one vampire mode, the nominal mode. In vampire mode, this talent tree provides a huge damage bonus that is very, very strong during Pvp. But in normal mode, it doesn’t work very well. The mode change is not controllable, it is caused by some attack ability. (Actually, there is 1 ability that can turn Vampire into Vampire mode instantly, but this ability has a very long CD which is impractical. Vampire mode is like a buff, it depletes quickly. When depleted, this ability is very far from able to pitch again)

Furthermore, this talent tree has abilities that increase Vampire mode buff time, improve Skill CD, add Critical%, and add bonuses to the unique control spell for Vampire, which is very, very strong against other classes.

2 tree of life

This is the support talent, mainly focused on healing and the HP leech. The talent tree has an ability that reduces MP for healing, increases healing power, and so on. He also has an ability that greatly increases the leech HP,

3 infernal flame tree

This is the PURE pve talent tree, but the way the talent is set up makes it strong for single-target PK. Adds bonus to flame damage, flame debuff, and reduces CD. He also has the ability to chase and flee in PK, he can turn Vampire into a bat, thus increasing movement speed.

In short, the vampire in Forsaken World is very strong in 1vs1, but group versus group, the class is more of a support class.

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