Crush the box – Nix the Naysayers!

At one point in your youth, you made a face and someone warned you: “careful, you will stay like this!”

Look in the mirror. Do your eyes cross, your tongue loll out, or your lips curl abnormally? I do not believe it.

Did your art teacher in elementary school ever tell you that your creation was wrong because it didn’t match her idea of ​​the subject you were depicting in your masterpiece? How can art be wrong?

Unfortunately, the naysayers of our youth continue tsk-tsk creative expression into our adulthood. And in the business world, if you’re not creating, you’re in a stagnant pond. Without risk, there is no chance of reward. Without challenge, we do not learn. When we never explore the possibilities, we deny ourselves something better.

Too often, you’ve heard the tired cliché, “Think outside the box.” Be creative. Push that envelope of convention. It’s a great concept, but in reality, most people hover around the perimeter of the box, using it as a base. It is like the umbilical cord that ties the astronaut floating in space to his spaceship, the retractable leash that gives the dog a slight sense of freedom. It is a connection with security.

The detractors are the ones holding that leash. They cast doubt on others’ creations, injecting you with the handicap of “what if?” question. They will tell you that your new idea won’t work, it can’t happen, the cost is too high, the quality is too low, the time is too long (or too short), and the resources aren’t available. They will advise you “why” his plan has no legs, but then make no effort to offer you an alternative.

Negative thinkers fear change and risk. They sit around judging creative thinkers – a poor jury as they lack the ability to dream like you do! They maintain the innate sense that someone will outdo them. What they don’t realize is that they have placed themselves in mediocrity because they are cloistered in the proverbial box.

Legendary storyteller Washington Irving once said: “”Small minds reach and are subdued by misfortunes; but great minds rise above them.”

Cartoonist George Schultz created the unlucky Peanuts character Charlie Brown, who, in contrast to his sad nature, was the epitome of positive thinking. Despite the countless times her nemesis Lucy would yank the soccer ball just as she was about to kick, he believed that this time she would be the one! Schultz advised, “The minute you start talking about what you’re going to do if you lose, you’ve lost.”

Nix the naysayers. They can infect your company with an ugly virus, casting doubt and negativity on your co-workers. Shut them off from your creative thinking. Don’t let negative minds get in the way of your progressive vision. conceived. Create. Reflect. See obstacles as opportunities to improve and grow. If your sales are stalling, take a closer look at what your customers might want and find a way to exceed those expectations. Chances are the solution will come in the form of something you haven’t tried before. Maybe it’s a new service to add (in-house or outsourced). Perhaps your clients have been lulled into a dreamless sleep by the constant onslaught of the same old pitches. Wake them up with a new idea! What have you wanted to try for a long time but never did? We all have a wish list hidden in our minds.

What will be the catalyst to drive others? Let me give you a hint: it’s not a price reduction. Discounting is a short-term solution because price-sensitive shoppers are fickle. As soon as someone knocks you down for a few cents, your customer moves on to the next bidder.

Your success will come from creative thinking. What can I do today that will excite my customers? How can I recharge my staff? If you could, what would you change about my company?

Get some of your best creative thinkers together in a room and give each of them a sketchpad with the words “What if?” in that. Set the ground rules. You can only offer a comment if you can accompany it with an alternative.

Brainstorm with your team of positive thinkers. Write down every idea that comes up. Winner of two Nobel prizes, Dr. Linus Pauling said: “The way to have good ideas is to have many ideas and throw out the bad ones.”

Think of enough ideas and you will surely find a great one! Don’t let the naysayers stop you. Cut the cord and explore a new frontier!

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