Climate change: deception or ignorance?

The unproven theory that global warming is being caused by man’s industrial activities is a theory supported by alarmists. His opponents, the realists, feel that the theory has not been proven at all, but they are prepared to hear anything that might confirm it.

This international debate is the subject of much controversy with alarmists who insist their position is strong, while realists say much more concrete evidence is needed. When looking at the position of the alarmists, it is necessary to ask two questions: are they scientifically ignorant or are they involved in a hoax?

More accurate data is needed before trends can be determined

What alarmists need to do is provide more convincing evidence to back up their position. All they’re relying on right now is current data and comparing it to weather events from the 1890s, when modern temperature records began.

The main problems with this restricted approach are twofold:

First of all, the instruments that are used today to measure attributes such as air temperature, sea temperature, etc. they are infinitely more precise and sophisticated than those used 50 years ago, much less 110 years ago. So the question arises: how accurate is data older than 10 years, for example? The alarmists have yet to clarify this point.

The second problem concerns the period of time over which the current data has been collected. 110 years can provide a start, buy that’s it, a start. However, realistically, 110 years compared to the scientifically recognized age of the earth (4.5 billion years) is statistically unsustainable.

To obtain a valid and meaningful understanding of recent changes in world temperature and future trends in the area of ​​climate change, the absolute minimum time frame for analyzing such data should not be less than a thousand years.

As this is simply not possible, the alarmists are being too free and easy with the very limited information at their disposal. They’re making a mountain out of a molehill, and the susceptible people in our societies are taking it all in and making the loudest noise. The hysteria is well advanced.

The role of the UN in this hoax

Recent reports issued by the UN committee on climate change clearly put the blame for this perceived problem at the feet of the Western industrial world. Two reports from early 2007 noted that damage from industrial pollution leads to an increase in greenhouse gases and an imbalance between CO2 and oxygen in the world’s atmosphere. The UN clearly said that this problem was caused by the ever-increasing expansion of industrial activity by established Western nations and emerging industrial countries, particularly China and India.

Other factors that could be responsible for this atmospheric imbalance were not mentioned, factors that could have a profound influence.

First of all, the massive deforestation practice prevalent in third world countries was not mentioned. that is, the clearing of forests to allow the land to be used for agriculture. As trees emit oxygen and absorb CO2, they can balance the relationship between these two gases. Trees help control greenhouse gases, something the UN has not yet accepted.

The other factor that the UN did not mention was the explosion of the world’s population over the past 50 years. In that time, the world’s population has grown from 2 billion to more than 6 billion. As the human body converts oxygen to CO2, the omission of this from UN reports adds suspicion to their motives.

So if man is responsible for any increase in greenhouse gases, the cause is more than industrial pollution. If the UN took a more responsible attitude towards this, then they would be much more credible.

Why are the alarmists fooling us?

Why? What do they have to hide?

Why are you continually telling the world that of the ten hottest years on record, six have occurred in the last 10 years? This has been found to be false. NASA recently reported that these 10 hottest years occurred before 1950, with the hottest decade being the 1930s.

What about the influence of volcanoes on the amount of CO2 in the air?

Why do they keep repeating the line that more than 5,000 scientists have signed a document saying that man-made climate change is happening and ignoring the fact that more than 31,000 scientists, including more than 9,000 doctors, have said that this theory is silly?

Why do alarmists refuse to answer the basic question: what caused climate change on the previous 12 occasions that it occurred during the life of the earth?

After 12 periods of climate change caused by mother nature, or for religious inclined God, Allah, Jehovah, why should man’s activities be responsible for current events?

And this last point raises a very important question: what gives alarmists the right to think they can reverse Mother Nature or God? What gives Al Gore and his ilk the right to play God?

And why don’t the religious leaders of the world say anything about this?

This is an attempt to balance the ongoing international controversy that is the theory of man-made climate change.

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