Battles that every woman must overcome in her life

In this current age of spiritual darkness, infidelity, and broken dreams, women have to face many battles from the day they are born and arrive on this planet. A woman’s mind is like a sea, which holds many secrets and anguish. Whether it’s a battle with breast cancer, childbirth, or harsh circumstances in the workplace, the 21st century woman must face challenges on a daily basis. A magnificent woman is the one who comes out of these difficulties with a stronger faith. As soon as the day begins, getting up brings a lot of trouble for women to test their character.

  • Issues that women have to face in the United States and around the world

The women of this nuclear age are much wiser and smarter than they used to be a few centuries ago. They have improved their lifestyle in general and have progressed in many fields, but still feel that some challenges are overwhelming. All over the world, women and girls have to deal with many discomforts and challenges throughout their lives. They suffer due to a number of reasons, be it due to a disease problem, poverty problem, death of parents of siblings, lack of economic opportunities, divorce, weight loss, broken relationships, inadequate health, sexual abuse, injustice in the place work or racial discrimination, women in every society have to face their struggles and fight every day.

A smart woman has to manage her time wisely, she has to do a million things in 24 hours before she can finally rest in her bed. Jobs and careers are a big deal these days, in a man’s world, women have tried harder to compete with men in all professions.

  • A girl’s journey to femininity

The cute girl has to live her life as soon as she starts school. Succeeding in their school education is a challenge for every girl, not many girls are able to achieve high grades and some even drop out of school for not concentrating on their studies. The girls are dolls, they have tender bodies and tender hearts. They are compassionate and energetic in nature. From an early age, they dream about their life, their partner, their children, their career and what awaits them in the future.

In the quest to make life meaningful, some girls have to battle addictions like drugs, alcohol, or even sex addiction. Their role models are mostly mom and dad who raise them and teach them good moral values. When you grow up your body goes through a lot of hormonal changes, you feel different between the ages of 12 and 19. It is then that he also feels the need for his first soul mate. As the burden of education grows, as does the stress of being a teenager, competing with other girls isn’t easy for every girl in the world. After graduation, he has to get a job to support his family and save for his own future.

  • Battles that every woman fights to see the sun forever

The list goes on and on of the battles women have to fight to end the suffering in their lives.

  • Staying alive is the biggest battle women face in the absence of a man. Having enough money for family and children and dealing with single parenthood is never easy.

  • Finding something constructive to do in their lives and shine in their careers is the hardest thing for every woman in life. If they can’t find their passion, they can’t make life meaningful. Inner happiness adds to the beauty of a woman.

  • Raising children, giving them a proper education and good guidance is an uphill task for a woman. It is even more difficult for rural women than for women living in big cities. Paying for your husband’s illness and bills requires courage and self-confidence.

  • Women have a major communication problem in a world dominated by men, they are very underpaid due to their weak communication skills.

  • Coping with health problems, diseases during youth, middle age and old age is always difficult for women. Breast cancer and heart attacks are killing hundreds of women every day in the world. Aging is a challenge when your body contracts diseases.

  • Trying to hold down a 9 to 5 job and then take care of family is never easy, this is the God given greatness and courage in women that enables them to make ends meet.

  • Maintaining your individuality and honoring yourself is a challenge in building strong relationships with peers, parents, bosses, and friends. They have to deal with sexual harassment in the offices and adjust as women in the male world.

  • Balancing your roles as daughter, mother, sister, and wife is a challenge in itself for every woman. Especially, the American woman is deeply concerned with money, time management, and family health issues these days. 26% of women in the United States are stressed due to their financial problems and high taxes.

  • Mother Nature has chosen the woman to give shine to her children, every woman has to go through a difficult time of pregnancy and childbirth. Some of them, unfortunately, lose the battle of life due to work complications.

  • The Bottom Line: Battles Can Be Blessings

International Women’s Day is a great occasion to commemorate the achievements of women. Women still have a long way to go to live richer, brighter and happier lives in many parts of the world. They need to raise their voices and realize their incredible potential to live up to men. The beauty of life’s battles is that there are hidden blessings in every problem. Women must choose to view these battles in a positive light so that they can achieve good things in life and find the heaven God has in store for them.

It’s hard being a woman, you have to think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl and work like a horse.”

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