Baby carriers, not just for babies

The baby carrier, an old practice in many countries, is now making its way into “primary” homes in the United States. Baby carrier options have ranged from standard backpacks and Baby Bjorns, to the more stylish and versatile Ring Slings, Mei Tais, Pouches and more! When we think of baby carriers, we picture tiny newborns nestled in a fetal position close to their mom or dad’s heart, safe and secure. But, carrying is not just for babies.

Our amazing babies quickly become curious and boisterous toddlers. The next thing you know, they’re running from you; touching and exploring the world around them with fervor and enthusiasm. This is an exciting time in the life of both a parent and a child, but sometimes a little breather is needed. Here are just a few of the many benefits of “dressing up” your toddler:

one. Security First: When you put your child in a baby carrier you know exactly where it is. Getting out of the car, through the parking lot, and into a store suddenly becomes a safe and pleasant experience. Instead of struggling to hold your child’s hand to keep him from running away, he is close to you and safe in his arms. If he’s in a carrier, he won’t worry that an unsuspecting driver won’t see his little one speeding across the parking lot. You will be able to walk calmly towards the store, enjoying the moment, while you talk about the colors of the cars that pass by.

2. Fight Germs: How many times have you called duty and still didn’t know how you were going to handle your packages and toddler in a germy public restroom? He might wait until he gets home or pull out his carrier and feel “relieved” that his ride home is comfortable rather than rushed. With your hands free to get down to business, and when you’re holding your toddler, he can’t pick up the dirty toilet paper from the bathroom floor or play with the germy lock on the stall. Yes, this sounds extreme, but desperate times call for desperate measures!

3. Cure the Clingies: Early childhood is a bewildering time in a child’s life. Throughout the day they struggle between being a baby and being a big kid. When it all gets too much and they need to recharge, they tend to cling to us like they’re stuck to static electricity. One of the best ways to cure “stickies” is to wear your toddler for an extended period of time during the day. This added closeness, nurturing, and security will replenish your child and really encourage him to be more confident and independent.

Four. Taming tantrums: Another adverse effect of this bewildering time called Childhood is the dreaded Tantrum. They always seem to rear their ugly heads right when you walk into the department or supermarket. Dr. Sears, in his article, “13 Ways to Encourage Good Behavior in Young Children” advises you to “Use Wisdom When Shopping” and “Take Your Baby With You.” When a child feels tired or overwhelmed, he is prone to seizures. Even in the chaotic environment of a shopping mall, when you dress your toddler, they can rest, feel safe and relaxed. This is a surefire way to tame the tantrum beast.

These are just a few of the many benefits of carrying an older baby. For me, the best benefit of all was when I was recently using my newborn don’t-think-about-getting-down-and-much-it-stops-bouncing. My two-year-old son came up to me and said, “Get up, Mom! Please!” If I wasn’t a baby-carrying mom, she would never have been able to hold (on my back) and rock my “high needs” newborn, while she got the time she needed to cuddle with my toddler. Yes, I was using both, but that topic is for another article!

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