Anti-Aging Tip: Does Chlorine Make Skin Age Faster?

Chlorine has been added to our water supply since the early 1900s, and for the most part, it hasn’t really changed much in the last 100 years. If you’ve ever been swimming in a chlorinated pool, you know how harsh it can be on your eyes, skin, and even lungs, but did you know that chlorine actually makes skin age faster?

Well, if you didn’t know, you’re about to find out what chlorine does to your skin. Let’s start by clarifying one thing: chlorine is not used because it is the safest chemical to disinfect our water supply, it is used because it is the cheapest. Studies have shown that the risk of cancer in those who drink chlorinated water is 93% higher than in those who do not. That in itself should make you stop and realize it. But what about your skin?

The chlorine in the water may make it safe to drink, but in the process, it is ruining your skin. Chlorine is classified as an oxidizing agent that is designed to attack any living organic matter. That is why the bacteria in the water die. However, it is also the reason why your skin is so vulnerable to damage; after all, it is also an organic matter.

But it gets worse. When you take a hot shower, chlorine vaporizes into the air and then combines with organic compounds hanging from the air, resulting in the formation of chloroform gas, which is a strong irritant to the lungs and can also cause fatigue. In fact, you can absorb more chlorine in a 5 minute shower than if you drank 12 liters of tap water in one day! If you plan to shower, consider using a shower filter to filter the chlorine out of the water.

Chlorine makes your skin dry and your hair brittle. And because our skin is like a sponge that absorbs everything you put on it, studies have shown that you are at risk for more serious diseases, such as breast cancer.

As chlorine dries the skin, it ages it more quickly. One of the best ways to combat the effect of chlorinated water is to add one of the special filtration systems to your home water system. You can also buy special filters that attach to the shower, which can remove chlorine. It’s best if you can completely remove chlorine from your entire water system, including your drinking water.

There are also lotions that you can apply to your body that form a barrier that will protect your skin from chlorine when you shower. However, it will not prevent you from breathing the vapors.

It is also important to keep your skin well hydrated with a quality moisturizer. Remember that exposure to water, even excluding chlorine, can make your skin dry and that will cause your skin to age because elasticity is reduced. How to solve this chlorine problem? Use a shower filter to filter out harmful chlorine. This will keep the skin soft and supple and help protect it.

Now that you know what chlorine can do to your skin, you will need to consider your options not only for slowing the skin aging process, but for your overall health as well.

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