Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city center

Some people say that the city center is the best place to live. One has easy access to all the comforts of life. Additionally, the centers of the cities are the places where all the centers of business, educational, official and commercial activity are located. Commute time is nothing compared to living in the suburbs. However, there are also some big downsides to living in the center of the city. The following lines would give you a great comparison in this regard.


The biggest advantage of living in the center of a city is the easy access to all the commercial, commercial and educational offices. The centers of the cities are planned in such a way that they become the axis of everything related to the commercial, official or educational field. Most of the universities and colleges are located in the center of the city and students from the suburbs have to travel long distances to reach their alma mater. Similarly, professionals have to take public or private transportation to get to the city center. The monthly fares for public transport, despite all the discounts, are quite expensive these days.

On the contrary, people who live in the city center do not have to incur transportation expenses. In most cases, all the famous buildings, business centers and universities are within walking distance. There are no expenses in transportation costs and time lost in traveling. Also, one can save money on meal costs as you can simply return home to eat during lunch breaks. People from the suburbs are unfortunate in this regard. They have to eat lunch in pushcarts or in restaurants and this is a big expense, even if the fares are affordable. The monthly expenses on food bills are enough to make a big dent in your monthly budget.


There are also many disadvantages of living in the center of a city. First of all, there is no sense of privacy as the city center remains active late into the night. Second, house rents are through the roof in the center of the city. Everyone wants to live there and the owners make the most of this phenomenon. Another disadvantage of living in the center of a city is the lack of suburban activities and the neighborhood attitude that prevails in the suburbs. There are hardly any parks and open spaces where you can breathe fresh air. In most cases, the environment is polluted by thousands of cars driving through the streets and alleys. Similarly, the ratio of trees to shrubs is much lower than that of a typical suburb that is usually green and pollution-free.

The sense of community is also lacking in the center of the city, as people remain busy with their own business and pay no attention to their neighbors and friends. Another negative point of living in the center of the city is the higher prices of basic products. Compared to the suburbs, which are generally close to farmers markets; City centers are tight places with high property rents. Stores often pass that high price on to their customers.

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