What kind of vegetarian are you? Ten ways to stop eating meat and become a vegetarian

Believe it or not, I was not born a vegetarian. I had to work hard on it and took small steps. I didn’t jump straight into the vegetarian lifestyle. I started eliminating meat from my diet at the age of 12. I had to figure it out (and I’m still trying to figure it out) and learn how to replace meat with healthy foods that would not only nourish my body, but keep me feeling full and just as importantly, it tasted great. ‘My Vegan Dad’ was a vegetarian for a couple of years and then went vegan. So when I set out on my journey to become a vegetarian, there was a time when I was still eating seafood (and no other meat) and I remember him saying to me, “Ebbie Webbie (that’s what he calls me) when are you going to become a TRUE VEGETARIAN? “I was like what, are you kidding me? I thought it was a true vegetarian. Who defines who are the true vegetarians? Are you less vegetarian because you eat dairy, eggs, or fish? My answer is “no”, but others would say otherwise. Either way, you need to start the vegetarian transition somewhere and to help you design a meatless plan that works best for you, here are 10 different types of vegetarian diets you can adopt to help you become a “real” vegetarian:

Lacto ovo – This vegetarian diet consists of eggs and daily, but does not consist of animal meat or seafood.

Ovo – If you are an Ovo Vegetarian, then you do not eat meat, seafood or dairy products, but you still consume eggs.

Lacto – Lacto vegetarians do not eat meat, seafood or eggs, but they still enjoy the taste of dairy products.

Chicken – If you are a Chicken – Vegetarian, then you are probably still trying to adapt to the vegetarian lifestyle. You still eat chicken, but not shellfish or other animal meat.

I Fish Chicken – I was a chicken-fish vegetarian when I was 12 years old. He ate seafood and poultry and no other animal meat.

Semi (part time) – If you are a part-time vegetarian, you continue to eat meat / meat but have reduced your consumption. For example, you can be a vegetarian Monday through Friday, but once the weekend rolls around, you’ll want chicken or steak.

I fish – Fishermen only eat shellfish and not other meats or meats.

Fruity – I’d like to meet a fruitarian. Frugivores only eat fruits and vegetables that do not harm, damage, or suck the life of the plants from which they come. An example would be oranges and apples.

Vegan – Do not eat meat or any product that comes from something that once had a face (that is how I like to describe it). They do not eat honey, they do not wear leather, silk, or use or eat gelatin products.

Crude – Raw vegetarians only eat whole grains, raw or lightly steamed vegetables, and fresh foods. Some raw vegetarians don’t even cook their grains and beans, they just soak them for a couple of days until they are soft enough to consume.

Remember, whatever path you take to become a vegetarian is yours and yours alone. Just remember to eat a diverse and healthy variety of fruits, vegetables, and plant proteins to support your smart new decision to become a vegetarian.

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