Truck Drivers Under Attack – Transportation Safety Tips for Owner Operators

Since jobs for owner operators are often hard to come by, truck drivers and transportation workers may increasingly find themselves working the less popular antisocial hours that involve overnight hassle. Darker conditions not only make crime more likely, but burnout is also more likely to set in, and it’s all too easy to make the kind of slip that will add you to the growing pile of transportation crime victims.

And these failures in transport security are reflected in the statistics. In Europe and Central Asia, between 2000 and 2005, 1 in 6 truck drivers was attacked. Of these, 30% had been victims of repeated attacks.

The main targets of the attacks were, predictably, the vehicle and the expensive loads it was carrying (60%), but in more than a third of the cases, the personal belongings of the driver were the target of the criminals (40%). Owner operators and transportation workers must never let their guard down at truck stops, where 42% of attacks occurred and, unsurprisingly, a massive 66% of all attacks occurred very early in the morning or late at night, when poor visibility combines to create the perfect conditions for crime to thrive.

While those who have been victims of trucking crimes will find these statistics unsurprising, those who have managed to avoid trouble on the road with their loads need not panic. There are several transportation security precautions that can be taken to protect you and your cargo.

Transportation safety tips to reduce crime:

– It sounds obvious, but equipping your transport vehicle with a quality alarm system is the best deterrent when leaving your vehicle for an extended period of time. The initial outlay will be dwarfed by the damage to your reputation if you discover your cargo stolen at the truck stop!

– Installing tracking devices can help the police recover your lost loads if you are the victim of a crime.

– For overnight stops, be sure to use only official truck parking spots; it just isn’t worth the risk of being unofficial.

– Try not to get into a habit on your trips: varying your routes, preferred truck stops and times can make it difficult to schedule a hit on your cargo!

– Parking before the “Just in Time” delivery window, while representing good time control, can make you an easy prey for crime as it means you have to wait.

– Keep your transportation vehicle locked at all times and make sure your keys are safe. Obviously ‘with the vehicle’ never constitutes ‘insurance’.

– Every time you return to your transport vehicle, check it for suspicious markings (eg, cut curtains) that implicate your vehicle as a target of crime. If you have any doubts, notify the police.

– The rest and refueling of your transport vehicle must be carried out at previously authorized stops. If unavoidable, practice extra vigilance.

– Keep the contents of your truck to yourself – you really don’t want thieves and dangerous guys knowing about the riches and valuables in your truck!

– Never pick up hitchhikers.

– When you take a break, park somewhere where your truck is visible from the rest stop or cafeteria you are going to

– Make sure your cargo documentation count matches your shipment

– Double and triple check delivery addresses before leaving

– Take inventory of your cargo when entering and exiting your vehicle. Greater vigilance is required when another party is helping.

Finally, make sure that if you are using a freight exchange, you can trust the people you are doing business with. Our freight exchange allows people to rate their trading partners, so you can ensure your future colleagues are honest and reputable before taking on new jobs for owner operators.

These transportation safety tips, along with the usual care and vigilance you’d take at night anywhere, should ensure that you and your cargo don’t join the growing statistic of transportation crime victims the next time you drive. Accept a job as a cargo operator or owner.

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