Hay Fever Tips: A Natural Approach

I am sure that the appearance of spring, with flowers, flowering trees, green shoots and singing birds, will lift the spirits and bring joy to everyone. However, for some it also brings familiar symptoms of sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose. Complementary health treatments in Peterborough offer many alternatives to over-the-counter antihistamines, inhaled nasal steroids, eye drops, or prescription medications.

The Nutritional Approach – Reduce the toxic load in the body by eliminating all processed, mucus-forming and intolerant foods. Eliminating foods like cheese, milk, ice cream, and chocolate will help many people. Wheat and alcohol should also be considered.

Antioxidant-rich foods should be eaten in abundance to reduce inflammation and boost immunity. Be sure to eat plenty of colored fruits and vegetables, such as citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, and selenium- and zinc-rich seeds. Stinging nettles contain a natural antihistamine called quercetin, either as an infusion or as freshly cut leaves made into a soup. One of the most popular nutritional remedies is local natural honey: take 2 teaspoons daily of natural honey from a local beehive for a desensitizing effect. Bee Pollen – 1 teaspoon daily in yogurt or cereal – It is a complete food packed with enzymes, vitamins, minerals and will promote general health and help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever.

The Supplement Approach: The use of supplements can provide our bodies with the elements it needs to function at its optimal capacity. Multivitamins and minerals (providing B6100 mg and zinc 15 mg), antioxidant complex and vitamin C 3 x 1000 mg have shown effective control over hay fever and inflammatory responses.

Herbal Remedies: Much has been written recently about the use of herbal remedies, particularly those of Chinese origin due to poor prescribing and poor standards by doctors. However, the vast majority of herbal remedies are completely safe, and good practitioners are well qualified to know their limits when treating illnesses. Petasites hybridus (Butterbur) has been shown to reduce the reaction to histamine and Euphrasia (Eybright) as eye drops or as a tincture in water to relieve eye inflammation and irritation.

Naturopathy provides a natural way to treat hay fever and allergic responses. A steam inhalation of essential oil such as chamomile or eucalyptus can be used to relieve nasal congestion. A salt solution inhaled through the nose with a neti bath or breathed in through the nose by hand will decongest the sinuses.

Homeopathy – has a lot in common with naturopathy and herbal remedies by providing patients with a natural solution to their symptoms. Homeopathy is based on the principle that “like cures like”. The doctor will then diagnose the specific cause or allergen that is creating the overreaction within us and provide us with a diluted solution. Containing Magnesium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride and Silica Dioxide, Era Biochemical Tissue Salts Blend for Hay Fever works homeopathically to eliminate runny nose and sneezing.

Acupuncture – The insertion of fine needles can be used to treat the underlying cause of hay fever and reduce the inflammatory response. This is effective in reducing watery eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose.

Allergy testing: Orthodox medicine in the NHS commonly relies on the use of allergy testing to define the cause of hay fever in patients. However, waiting lists for these procedures can often be years! Blood tests to identify food allergens and intolerances provide valuable information to the patient and physician and are often a good starting point when dealing with hay fever.

Caution Hay fever symptoms in asthmatic patients may be a sign of lower respiratory tract inflammation and worsening of asthma symptoms should be taken seriously; Consult your doctor.

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