Get Your Man To Propose You Quickly – Stop The Endless Waiting Game

Are you looking for your man to propose to you, sooner rather than later? It amazes me how many people are caught in a relationship where the man does not show any signs of solid commitment. Time to stop the madness and get your man to propose fast.

How not to make your man propose to you quickly

Let me ask you a quick question: what have you tried so far to get your boyfriend’s attention, so that he really understands why he needs to go ahead and commit to you?

Generally, I hear that the answers range from abstaining from physical activity to ignoring it to make you see “what you are missing.”

I want to share with you that this approach, although very common, does not work. How do I know it doesn’t work? I am a man and I refused to get engaged and married for more than 10 years. My girlfriend tried all the common methods on me, and all they did was push me further away, not get closer!

Why Men Stray Farther When They Are “Punished”

Frankly, it all comes down to one man’s pride and decision-making, especially one who’s in no rush to get engaged or married. Most of these men will be on guard and very defensive when you try to take control of the situation.

In these cases, your boyfriend is more likely to start spending more time with his friends than with you, as a way to punish you. In as little as a week or two, this can become an ingrained habit, and suddenly your relationship could be in trouble. All because the pride of man will get in the way of your mind in most cases.

Here are some other things to avoid doing that will rain down on a man’s pride and slow down any decision process:

  1. The ultimatum – Another common tactic is to set a deadline and say “if we’re not committed by this date, I’m leaving.” All you’ve done is give your man an easy way out.
  2. Guilt pressure: Guilt pressure is when you start hinting at how “everyone else” is married or engaged, and you pressure your man to adjust to others. This will only drive him away.
  3. Emotional pressure: Some women feel that if they break down and cry enough in front of their man, he will give in. The reality is that we see this as a huge sign of weakness and will only take advantage of it in the long run.

So what can you do that will help you get engaged, get your ring, and get on with your life together? You have to let your boyfriend make the decision on his own!

Now, there are ways to really rush your man into making that decision, and none of them involve interrupting him, pressuring him, or putting ultimatums on him.

The great key to making your man propose

Here’s the big key: start acting like a man! Usually men think that they are the best people in the world, and what could be more attractive to a man than a woman, who already likes him because he is in a relationship with her, who acts like him! Immerse yourself in their interests. Focus on your hobbies for a while. Start to understand what motivates you, follow suit, and you’re on your way.

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